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The medical industry is a key focus area as there are vast opportunities in relation to the optimisation of various practices including spinal care. The optimisation goes hand in hand with training, protocols and enhanced sub-specialisations in related fields. This offers various investment opportunities as well as the opportunities for a greater requirement for medical equipment including radiology and other non-invasive scanning and diagnostic tools.

Optimisation has the following advantages:  
1. Reduced numbers of invasive surgeries would lead to great cost savings 
2. Non-invasive treatment often has improved longer term advantages for patients
3. Lower risk related to reduced invasive surgery
4. Enhanced patient satisfaction
5. Improved treatability in rural areas

Big Sky Fund is in the process of investing in and developing two Medical franchise and administrative businesses.


Primary Spinal Care will manage the franchise and administrative function of Spinal care optimisation as well other related companies in the Health Optimisation group. Further expansion into other medical disciplines will be developed by Health Optimisation and its management team, assisted by Primary Spinal Care. 

The rollout of the spinal franchise and future iterations will cause initial and future growth of Primary Spinal Care. 

Investment attractiveness: Initial development income with ongoing annuity income in relation to the Spinal iteration. The longer term multiplication of profits as new iterations are developed and implemented.   


Intersight systems will manage a new radiology franchise and administration of this franchise. The rollout of spinal optimisation will necessitate the increased need for radiology rooms and/or services. The radiology rooms’ services will be linked to radiology diagnostics and will be responsible for diagnostics as required. Intersight Systems will not only assist in the establishment of individual radiology rooms but also manage the setup, systems, HR, required radiologists and related staff, equipment scoping, procurement, funding and maintenance, booking and billing. The growth in more advanced, non-invasive examinations and diagnosis has seen strong growth and as such is expected to continue with medical advances and patient and treatment requirements. The rollout of radiology rooms by Intersight Systems into the rural areas in line with the NHI requirements will further assist in strong growth.   

Investment attractiveness: Development income with ongoing annuity income in relation to the rollout and management of more radiology rooms. The longer term growth in rollout to the rural areas as well as the continued requirements due to overall cost savings as well as patient and doctor requirements. 

Big Sky Fund is in the process of investing in and developing a rental of medical equipment & instruments business. 


MedRent offers rentals of medical equipment and instruments. MedRent will commence with a potential captive client base in Big Sky Fund group companies, which would soon after acquisition, require equipment and instruments for its operations. Over time external requirements would surpass that of group companies. MedRent will use external finance to augment the internal funding requirement. Such gearing could increase the book by a factor of four. Initial group equipment requirements would include scanning and radiology equipment but such will expand as demand for other equipment and instruments are developed. Other equipment and instruments could include: cardiology, dialysis, theatre, oncology equipment and general hospital requirement of beds and vital sign monitoring instruments.

Investment attractiveness: Rental income is a more conservative investment and returns are similar to interest income. The gearing allows for a possible higher return yield. The investment is broadly asset backed and risk is therefore reduced.

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